Naruto OL Ninja New Generation, The thrilling adventure of a ninja, Naruto is now on your mobile! Feel the excitement of adventure as naruto and gather the strongest team members from all the characters in the Naruto series. Be the strongest team and become the Hokage that leads your village, Konoha!
The Japanese classic Naruto mobile game is shocking! The will of fire, fighting is rekindled! The mobile game is 100% orthodox and restores the original plot. Players can play as Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara and other ninjas at will, and experience hearty ninjutsu fights and full-screen esoteric tricks. In addition, you can freely collect popular ninjas and experience ninjas!
- Feel free to join our discord and find guildmate or friend to play with!
- The features of Naruto OL Ninja New Generation Private Server listed above is features when this game first time shared at PrivateGames.Link.
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