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All BLEACH: Soul Immortal Gift Codes
If you alreade downloaded BLEACH: Soul Immortal private server, you may need some gift codes to get all of the freebies. If you still haven’t redeemed the code, then you can redeem them by theses steps:
How to Redeem BLEACH: Soul Immortal Gift Codes
First, after opening the game and in the dashboard, tap on your profile avatar in the top-left corner
After in the profile, open the system settings (Cài Đặt Hệ Thống)
Now tap on the gift box icon and you can enter the codes
Enter the codes from the list below, then tap confirm (Đổi) to claim the rewards
If the codes valid, you’ll get the rewards instantly.
All BLEACH: Soul Immortal Gift Code Lists
Now that you already know how to redeem the codes, here’s the code for you:
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