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How to register on 3733 Game

How to register on 3733 Game

3733 is a private server game splitter but most or almost all of the games they share are Chinese language games only like BTgame.
Actually the games that are between 3733 and BTgame are the same, but even though the game is the same, to register you need to do different things.Read also : How to register on BTgame

But even though both of them share the same games, it cannot be denied that the games shared in 3733 are more complete and more numerous than the games shared on BTgame.
And of the many games they share, we also share the games they publish here so if you download one of the games they publish from this site, then this is the right page for you to learn how to create an account at 3733 games.

How to Create 3733 Account

In this tutorial we are using the Legacy of Discord Retro Edition game. However all games from 3733 have the same registration method and you can use 1 account to login in different games when they are the same from 3733.

  1. The first page before you log in or choose a server, it will look something like this.

  2. Then if you have already created an account at 3733 before, then you can log in using your username by clicking the “账 号 密 码 登 录” or “username password login” menu.
  3. If you don’t have an account, then you can go to “快 速 注 册” or “Quick Registration” menu
  4. After opening the quick registration menu, there you can register using your mobile number, but because we will make it easier, so all you have to do is open the “用 户 名 注 册” or “Username registration” menu.
  5. After that, you only need to fill in your username and password without using email or phone number. And after that you just need to tick the terms and conditions then click the “立 即 注 册” or “Register immediately” menu.
  6. After you have successfully registered, you will be redirected to the game’s launcher menu which will look like this. (The name of the game in the launcher will be different depending on what game you are playing).
  7. After arriving here, you only need to open the game by clicking the “进 入 游 戏 ≫” or “Enter the game ≫” menu.
  8. And now you can play the game … but because you registered without a mobile phone number, a “账 号 关 联 提 示” or “Account number associated” pop-up will appear here. To get rid of this pop-up, all you have to do is click on the “以 后 再 说” or “I’ll do that later” menu.

  9. And congratulations now that you can start playing your game and starting from choosing what server you will play on.

This method we think is quite easy to do, but still… if you still don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask questions in the comments or contact us on the Facebook page.

  1. Anonymous

    I've done all of that but I still can't register. Some Chinese words kept appearing.

    March 1, 2021
  2. Dev

    Same as the above guy

    May 3, 2021
    1. Anonymous

      Eles fecharam os registros??✊

      May 13, 2021
  3. Stractaroth

    same to me what is it?

    December 30, 2021
    1. Admin

      from now on, most of chinese game need an ID to play

      December 31, 2021
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